Psychoanalytic Program

Psychoanalytic Program, Psychoanalytic Institute NYC, Gestalt

We are offering a hybrid training option, for those who cannot attend classes in person. We will be conducting on-site Friday evening classes for all who are able to attend.


Using a unique combination of lectures, live demonstrations, group seminar discussions, and a clinical internship, the Clinical Fellowship Program provides a theoretical framework which facilitates the integration and understanding of gestalt theory and experiential work.

Our Program in Psychoanalysis has been chartered since 2006 by the New York State Education Department, qualifying graduates for Psychoanalyst (LP) Licensure in NYS.

Additional Information & Downloads

Are You Considering a New Career as a Psychotherapist?

Candidates with a JD or a Master’s Degree in any field may apply to our psychoanalytic program to become licensed to practice psychotherapy in NYS. Using Gestalt theory as its theoretical foundation, the program is experience-rich and features lectures, demonstrations, live practicum, and a supervised clinical internship. Participants complete our Clinical Fellowship program plus additional State-required courses in psychoanalysis and become qualified to sit for the New York State Psychoanalyst Licensing exam. For more information on licensing of Psychoanalysts, please visit the New York State Department of Education, Office of the Professions.


Admission is based on review your application and personal interview. A Master’s Degree in any field is a pre-requisite required by the New York State Department of Education, Office of the Professions. To assure early consideration, please complete our application form by 8/31, and send additional requested materials. Once received, we will contact you to arrange an interview. Please note: all MA Degrees from a non-US university must be evaluated by NYS prior to program admission. For additional information, email us at


Friday Night Courses & Practicum: $3500 per year / no materials fee. Psychoanalytic Courses: $300-$450 per each additional 10-hour or 15-hour required Psychoanalytic Course, for a total of 22 additional courses over the duration of training, as specified in the Program Outline.

Weekly Psychotherapy: At least 250 hours of individual therapy, and at least 1 year of group therapy, to meet the NYS requirement of 300 hours. Fees for therapy are arranged privately with the individual or group therapist. Prior therapy may be applied to the 300 hour requirement, depending on the prior therapist’s licensure and other qualifications.

Weekly Supervision: $40 per group session and $80 per 1-hour individual session.


During the current Academic year, we are offering a limited number of partial scholarships, with the goal of promoting diversity both in our training program, and in the larger profession of psychotherapy.

To Apply for a Scholarship email with a one page (maximum) statement describing how you would bring diversity to GAP, and also how your current economic circumstances indicate the need for a scholarship, including current monthly family income, and monthly payments for housing, childcare, and outstanding student loans. Statements will be kept confidential; please submit applications by 9/7, and we will respond promptly.

To Donate to our Scholarship Fund, click the button below:

Click Here to Donate to our Scholarship Fund


Trainees in the Psychoanalytic Program take all courses in the Clinical Fellowship Program plus three or four 10-15 hour Psychoanalytic courses each semester. These courses are each offered every 2-3 years on non-training Fridays, or on weekdays or weekends, depending on the availability of the instructor. All of the Psychoanalytic courses must be completed to be eligible for graduation and to be qualified to sit for the New York State Psychoanalyst licensing exam. Courses may also be taken on an elective basis. The courses may be completed in a four-year sequence, or the length of time for completion may be extended if necessary to meet the needs of the individual trainee. To access a program outline, click on this link. To access a sample schedule, click on this link. To view the program requirements on the NYS website use this link.

Clinical Work

300 direct hours of supervised clinical work are required in order to apply for the NYS Limited Permit.
450 additional direct hours of supervised clinical work are required to meet the NYS requirements for Psychoanalytic Licensure.
These can be earned while in the program, or while under the Limited Permit, for a total of 750 hours of clinical work.
This clinical work begins in Level II and continues in Levels III & IV.
NYS requires that all clinical work must occur within NYS, even if sessions are conducted using zoom.


Candidates are supervised on a weekly basis, in Levels II, III, & IV, and clinical work is evaluated before continuation to the next Level.
In addition to this weekly supervision of ongoing clinic clients, for a total of 150 hours, 50 hours of individual case supervision is also required by NYS in order to qualify for the Limited Permit.


A total of 300 hours of psychotherapy is required by NYS. GAP’s requirements include a minimum of 3 years of individual therapy (150 hours), and 1 year of group therapy (50 hours) which must be earned during the GAP program. The NYS therapy requirement may be completed in four years or, if necessary, may be extended to meet the needs of the individual trainee. Fees vary, depending on the individual or group therapist. Prior individual therapy may be applied to the NYS requirement of 300 hours.

Psychoanalytic Course Offerings

Continuing Education: All Psychoanalytic courses are registered with NYS as part of our Psychoanalytic Program, and are eligible for NYS Continuing Education for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Psychoanalysts, and Licensed Psychologists.

For Fall 2024 Registration information, click here. *Due to the Covid crisis, some courses are currently hosted through Zoom, depending on the decision of the instructor.

Registration & Payment Information

To register for a course, please use our registration form, in the upper right hand column, send an email to, or visit the Psychoanalytic Courses Drop Down Menu on our payments page.
*Please note: One absence per class is permitted with the instructor’s approval. Participants in online courses will be sent a recording of the missed class, and a summary of course readings will be required for all online and in-person classes.
PA & CF Trainees: Please complete registration one week before the beginning of each class, so that you can receive reading materials.
All Others: Please complete registration two weeks before the beginning of each class, so that you can receive reading materials and arrange an interview with the instructor.

Spring 2025

Resistance, Transference, Countertransference: Winnicott (RTC2)

This course will draw from concepts of transference/countertransference/resistance as presented in previous seminars and will focus on Winnicott’s models of infant emotional development and of therapeutic interaction. Our deeper appreciation of the subtleties and breadth of Winnicott’s (and related) concepts will open links to Gestalt theory and practice especially in terms of “the use of self.”       Instructor: Todd Senzon, MA, LP                       10 hours, $300  
4 Thursdays, March 27, April 3, 10, 17:    6 - 8:30pm, Location: Zoom

An Historical Overview of Resistance, Transference, Countertransference (RTC1)

This course will explore the evolution of the concepts of Transference, Countertransference, and Resistance through the lens of the four dominant schools of psychoanalysis: Drive Theory, Ego Psychology, Object Relations, and Self Psychology. We will discuss how each school approached transference, countertransference, and resistance, and compare and contrast these approaches to Gestalt therapy’s existential, relational stance in psychotherapy. The course will use practicum sessions and instructor demonstration to support trainees in recognizing course concepts as they emerge in sessions. For optimal learning, students are encouraged to have completed reading the five assigned texts before the first course meeting. However, lectures will be organized such that trainees may participate fully even if the readings are incomplete.
Instructor: Jack Worthy, LMHC.          15 hours, $450
3 Saturdays, April 19, May 3 & 17: 10am - 3pm    Location: In-Person

Ethical Considerations in Analytic Practice (ER3)

Intrinsic to ethical practice is the therapist’s respect both for the patient and for the complex and profound relationship, the “space between,” that is co-created by the patient/therapist meeting. We will discuss the philosophical, legal, and professional foundations that come together to form the core of current ethical practice.  
Instructor: Arleen Maiorano, LCSW, LP.    15 hours, $450  
5 Fridays,  May 23, June 13 & 20, July 11 & 18:   6 – 9 pm,                Location: Zoom

Developmental Theory, Bowlby, Mahler & Stern (PD1)

This seminar focuses on the developmental theories of Mahler and Stern, and their practical application to Gestalt Therapy. The course includes both lecture and demonstration/participation. Various techniques and strategies are explored for integrating developmental insights into the ongoing process of a Gestalt session. 
Instructor: Arleen Maiorano, LCSW, LP.     15 hours, $450 
5 Thursdays: May 22, 29; June 5, 12, 19:    6-9pm,   Location: Zoom